Action |
Shortcut |
move cursor left |
h |
move cursor down |
j |
move cursor up |
k |
move cursor down |
l |
jump forward to the start of a word |
w |
jump forwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation) |
W |
jump forward to the end of a word |
e |
jump forwards to the end of a word (words can contain punctuation) |
E |
jump backwards to the start of a word |
b |
jump backwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation |
B |
jump to start of the line |
0 |
jump to the end of line |
$ |
go to the first line of the document |
gg |
go to the last line of the document |
G |
go to line 5 |
5G |
page down |
ctrl+f |
page up |
ctrl+b |
search for pattern |
/pattern |
search backward for pattern |
?pattern |
repeat search in same direction |
n |
repeat search in opposite direction |
N |
jump to next x on line |
fx |
jump before next x on line |
tx |
jump to previous x on line |
Fx |
jump before previous x on line |
Tx |
Action |
Shortcut |
undo |
u |
redo |
ctrl+r |
insert before cursor |
i |
insert at the beginning of the line |
I |
append after the cursor |
a |
append at the end of the line |
A |
open a new line below the current line |
o |
open a new line above the current line |
O |
append at the end of the word |
ea |
append at the end of line |
$a |
exit insert mode |
Esc |
replace a single character |
r |
copy a line |
yy |
copy 2 lines |
2yy |
copy to end of line |
y$ |
paste the clipboard after cursor |
p |
paste the clipboard before cursor |
P |
delete to the end of line |
d$ |
cut to the end of line |
D |
delete all lines |
:%d |
write (save) the file, but don't exit |
:w |
write (save) and quit |
:wq or :x or ZZ |
quit and throw away unsaved changes |
:q! or ZQ |
write file as root but don't exit |
:w !sudo tee % |
replace all old with new throughout file |
:%s/old/new/g |
replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations |
:%s/old/new/gc |
Action |
Shortcut |
ascii to hex |
:%!xxd |
hex to ascii |
:%!xxd -r -p |